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Smoking CBD on the street: is it allowed?

Smoking CBD on the street: is it allowed?

Are you wondering if you can smoke CBD on the street without breaking the law? The question is legitimate, especially with the rise of CBD products in recent years. In this article, we will see together how the legislation governs the consumption of CBD in public spaces.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is a molecule extracted from hemp. Unlike THC , it has no psychotropic effects. In France, CBD is legal provided that its THC content is less than 0.3%. This regulation allows the sale of products such as oils, flowers or e-liquids rich in CBD.

Difference between CBD and THC

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the molecule responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. Conversely, CBD does not alter perception and is even recognized for its relaxing properties . This distinction is essential, because French law prohibits the consumption of THC, but authorizes that of CBD under certain conditions.

Can you smoke CBD in public places?

French law does not explicitly prohibit the consumption of CBD in public places. However, smoking a CBD joint can be confused with cannabis rich in THC. Law enforcement has no visual means of differentiating the two substances, which can lead to checks and inconveniences.

CBD legislation in France

Since 2022, France has authorized the sale and consumption of CBD provided that the final product contains less than 0.3% THC. This includes flowers, oils and other derivatives. However, the marketing of raw leaves and flowers intended to be smoked remains a controversial and legally complex subject.

Smoking CBD on the street, legal or illegal?

Technically, smoking CBD on the street is not illegal if the product complies with current standards. But in practice, you can be stopped for verification. According to a recent study, 70% of CBD consumers prefer to consume it at home to avoid any misunderstandings.

Smoking CBD on public transport and other public places

Smoking is generally prohibited on public transport, whether it’s tobacco or CBD. In non-smoking public spaces, you risk a €68 fine for not complying with local regulations. It’s therefore best to opt for discreet alternatives such as CBD oils or capsules.

Smoking CBD in the car

Smoking CBD while driving is not prohibited by law. However, if you are subject to a saliva test , the presence of traces of THC, even tiny ones, can result in a penalty. In 2024, more than 15,000 drivers tested positive for THC, some of whom were consuming only CBD.

Where to smoke CBD without risking an inspection?

To avoid checks and misunderstandings, it is advisable to consume CBD in private spaces. Your home is the safest place. If you want to consume it outside, opt for discreet places and respect local regulations on smoking.

Smoking CBD: Can you test positive on a saliva or urine test?

Saliva and urine tests detect the presence of THC. Even if your CBD product contains less than 0.3% THC, regular use can be enough to trigger a positive test. Consequences can range from a fine to a license withdrawal, depending on the case.

Why smoke or vape cannabidiol?

Smoking or vaping CBD allows for rapid absorption of cannabinoids, providing an almost immediate relaxing effect. According to a 2023 survey, 60% of users prefer this method of consumption to manage stress or anxiety. However, it is important to choose quality products to avoid health risks.

Alternatives to smoking CBD

If you want to avoid the hassle of smoking CBD on the street, there are other options available to you. Sublingual oils, capsules or edibles are discreet and legal alternatives. In 2025, the CBD infusion market grew by 25% in France.


In summary, although the law allows the consumption of CBD in France, smoking CBD on the street can lead to misunderstandings with law enforcement and the public. To fully enjoy its benefits without worries, it is best to consume it in private spaces or opt for alternative forms such as oils or capsules. Stay informed and consume responsibly.

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